Delvee Family Association
The Descendants of Peter and Lucy (Town) Delva meeting together since 1886
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Founded in 1886, the Delvee Family Association includes all descendants of Peter Delva (c1745-1803) who settled in Warwick, Massachusetts. We meet yearly in the Delvey Grove on the site of the original Delvee homestead. We are divided into Clans and Tribes iin an attempt to keep the verious lines stright through now 10 generations

Lucy Maria (Fuller) Delvee, the wife of Calvin Wilder Delvee was visiting her niece, Louise Maria (Delvy) Hale in 1886, and the conversation got around to the Delvee homestead. It was about to be sold to settle the estate of Calvin. They decided that the families of Calvin and Peter should get together one more time. Soon they changed that to include all available descendants of the first Peter. The first reunion was held on Wednesday, 2 June 1886, and was attended by 126 people. It was such as success, that it was decided to meet each year. By the time of the second reunion, the farm had been sold to Mr. William Shepardson. The Delvee Grove was then purchased from Mr. Shepardson for $60.00. Each year, since 1886, the Delvees have been meeting in the grove each year except for 1943 (saving gas for the war effort) and 2020 (COVID).

Peter Delvee Family Fund

President Scott Whitney has applied for, and we have been granted, non-profit 501(c)(3) status. At the federal level, that paperwork was easy. Now, Scott is in the process of following through for the state, which is considerably more difficult and may require the help of a tax lawyer, which is going to be expensive. But when all the papers have been filed correctly and in a timely manner we should be exempt from the property taxes. Until that happens we are still responsible for the taxes. Please consider making a donation to boost the treasury for all the above to be able to happen.

Donations are to be sent to Patricia Buck, 567 Pleasant St, Athol MA 01331. Please make your check out to the Peter Delvee Family Fund. You may also make a donation through VENMO at @Delvee-Family-123. All donations will be mailed a tax deductible receipt. (if you want one)

Come all you Delvees Rally Rally
Come all you Delvees Rally, Rally! Click to Play

2021 Delvee Reunion
2021 Delvee Reunion

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Delvee FaceBook Group

Site Information

Vitals: - Each year at the Delvee Reunion, the names of family of those who, since the last reunion, were born, married, or passed away are read, and a moment of silence is held for those who have passed. Please keep us updated. The following reports show the past few years:

Address of Patsy Buck, our new Treasurer is at the bottom of the Welcome section if you wish to make a donation.

Annual Delvee Reunion

The Peter Delvee Family Association Reunion is held on the 4th Sunday in June, which this coming year is June 22, 2025. It is really an old-fashioned country picnic for the descendants of Peter and Lucy Delva. Bring a dish to share, but remember there is no electricity. Lunch will be served at about 12:30. Arriving early allows time to socialize and meet cousins you never knew you had. We have benches; however folding chairs are more comfortable.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Latest News

February 13, 2025 - Upgraded to version 15.0

November 30, 2024 - Upgraded to version 14.0.6

September 2, 2024 - Upgraded to version 14.0.5 and installed a security patch

August 29, 2024 - Maps are now provided by Google Maps.

August 20, 2024 - Front page updated.

May 3, 2023 - Upgraded to version 14.0.2

April 4, 2023 - SSL certificate assigned to web site for added security.

January 26, 2022 - New modification shows relationship to Peter Delva

January 2, 2022 - Updated Database to version 3.1.1

December 12, 2021 - Added age display after date

November 5, 2021 - Updated Database to version 3.1

August 9, 2021 - Installed Menu Manager Mod, version

June 11, 2021 - The home page has been rearranged and a surname cloud has been added

June 10, 2021 - Information on the in person Delvee Reunion have been updated.

June 10, 2021 - Upgraded Site to version 13.0.4

February 19, 2021 - Upgraded Site to version 13.0.2

February 14, 2021 - The home page has been updated, and there is now a link to a site information page.