Delvee Family Association
The Descendants of Peter and Lucy (Town) Delva meeting together since 1886
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First Name List: Begins with F

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All first names beginning with F, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. [no first name] (1)
2. F. (2)
3. Faith (2)
4. Fannie (3)
5. Fanny (11)
6. Farrie (1)
7. Fay (2)
8. Faye (1)
9. Fealise (1)
   10. Felicia (3)
11. Fenton (1)
12. Fenwick (2)
13. Ferdinand (2)
14. Fern (1)
15. Fernando (1)
16. Ferne (1)
17. first (1)
18. Flora (10)
   19. Florance (1)
20. Florence (34)
21. Florine (1)
22. Florry (1)
23. Flossie (2)
24. Floyd (9)
25. Forest (4)
26. Forrest (4)
27. Foster (1)
   28. Fran (1)
29. Frances (14)
30. Franci (1)
31. Francis (29)
32. Francisek (1)
33. Frank (48)
34. Frankie (1)
35. Franklin (9)
36. Fred (25)
   37. Freda (3)
38. Freddie (1)
39. Frederic (2)
40. Frederica (1)
41. Frederick (24)
42. Fredrick (5)
43. Frieda (1)
44. Fritz (1)